Welcome to my website made 100% in JavaScript. Nothing you can see here is based on any Server Side technology. Probably you are asking in order to what such crap was created if all could be done using PHP [i nie zawraca? sobie g?owy]. Hmmm... maybe you are right, but not every user has an access to server with PHP, CGI,ASP and other Server Side technologies. Otherwise, on #uw-team IRCNET channel at some time was carried on a discussion about what strange things people make in JavaScript. And somebody (that is Willbe) said, if nothing changes, people will write a CMS in JavaScript... and it has been done. That thing you are looking at is a result of work done by Unknow inspired by Willbe`s disbelief.
News13.06.2005 - publication of new
complet rewriten version of JSCMS v0.3
13.05.2005 - first version of JSCMS
block menu- BBCode
- gallery plugin
- news plugin
- download plugin
- "search" plugin